I’m on my 3rd Electrician Now and We Still can’t Find the Wire that My “Supposedly Green Energy” Comes In On – He Says it’s “All the Same Electricity” – You don’t think that this OC Power Authority and Green Electricity is One Big Fraud Do Ya? Huntington Beach pulls out of OC’s green power agency

Huntington Beach pulls out of OC’s green power agency

It’s the first city to pull out of OCPA — and the agency’s board expects to see a “financial impact”

Huntington Beach is pulling out of the Orange County Power Authority, a decision made by a split City Council late Tuesday night.

While the county withdrew last year, Huntington Beach is the first city to remove itself from the green power agency.

“Since the very beginning, the Orange County Power Authority has been a total disaster and doomed for failure,” said Councilmember Casey McKeon, who represents Huntington Beach on the agency’s board. “I believe in providing choice to consumers, but I don’t believe the government is a vehicle to providing choice in the private sector, especially not in the incredibly complex and volatile energy market.”

McKeon, along with Mayor Tony Strickland and fellow councilmembers Pat Burns and Gracey Van Der Mark voted to withdraw from the OCPA during a special council meeting added for after Tuesday’s regular meeting, May 16.

Councilmembers Dan Kalmick, Natalie Moser and Rhonda Bolton voted to stay.

Expressing concern with the OCPA’s ability to procure additional energy, McKeon said Southern California Edison is better equipped to obtain resources to protect the grid, making it a “safer option for our residents.”

But Kalmick argued there is still too much unknown about how the decision to leave will impact Huntington Beach residents.

“We have no idea what this is going to cost,” Kalmick said, suggesting the city should hire a consultant who could prep the city on the implications of its decision.

A timeline of next steps, including when residents and businesses will begin to see changes, is still being worked out, Strickland said Wednesday.

“We are deeply disappointed with the reckless action the Huntington Beach City Council has taken to withdraw from the Orange County Power Authority,” said its board chair Fred Jung, who is also the mayor of Fullerton. “Not only does this eliminate the opportunity for Huntington Beach to take bold steps against climate change, it strips away renewable energy choice from its residents and businesses.”

Huntington Beach announced the special meeting Monday evening, adhering to the 24-hour notice it must give residents. Several residents provided comments ahead of the meeting, decrying the quickly called meeting, with no staff report on the potential impacts.

And it was “sudden,” too, for the OCPA board, said Jung.

“The staff at Huntington Beach did not telegraph this, nor did they let our staff know at the Power Authority that this was a consideration for them,” Jung said.

“Huntington Beach families and businesses want and deserve an alternative to the decades-long fossil fuels-powered SCE monopoly,” he said. “Huntington Beach has put politics ahead of the health and well-being of those who call Huntington Beach home.”

The OCPA board, fired CEO Brian Probolsky last month and later appointed its director of communications to helm the agency in the interim.

Huntington Beach is the second-largest entity that is part of the OCPA, Jung said, noting “there will be a financial impact” to the City Council’s decision.

Aside from Huntington Beach and Fullerton, the OCPA serves Buena Park and Irvine.

Irvine, which has opted to stick with OCPA during recent council meetings, is slated to bring it back up next week.

“I understand what Huntington Beach has done, and I believe Irvine should do the same thing,” said Irvine Councilmember Larry Agran, who has voted to withdraw in the past. “My job is to protect Irvine ratepayers and taxpayers, and I think the best protection was getting out as soon as possible.”

The OCPA launched in 2020 as an alternative to Southern California Edison, offering more renewable energy blends as the county’s first community choice energy program. Both residential and commercial customers receive power purchased through the agency.

However, it was not without controversy. An audit by the Orange County Grand Jury, reviews by the county and a state audit all critiqued the OCPA, particularly its leadership, for its management, pricing strategies and transparency.

The OCPA has since implemented 80% of the reports’ recommendations, with the rest slated to be completed in the coming months, Jung said. Leadership, from the CEO to general counsel, has been removed; the board has more oversight; and the CEO’s unilateral ability to sign off on certain items has been scaled back, he said. And it lowered the rates for its “Basic Choice” plan to below the Southern California Edison equivalent.

“By the end of the summer, the Orange County Power Authority will be a beacon of what community choice energy aggregates can be,” he said.

The new Huntington Beach council leaders have eyed potential changes to the city’s agreement with OCPA since the new majority took over late last year.

Sadly – The 34th Annual – “I just wanted to Get the Fuck Out of Tustin” – Chili Cook-Off Hybrid Gay Pride Parade – World’s Largest Alcoholics Anonymous Recruitment – Jesus Loves You Revival and Uber Taxpayer Cluster-Fuck – “I will not be attending ever again.” – will be held on Sunday June 3 2018 – Like It or Not

Tustin, California –

Editorial –

Essentially this is Businesses – Jesus Freaks and City Hall – Helping Each Other Make Sure that No One Ever Comes Back to Tustin California for – Anything – Ever.

Many Businesses along the Street Fair Route at the Chili Cook-off are Locking their Doors and Hanging a Closed Sign – because they’re tired of the Drunks and other Losers wandering around – coming in and wanting to use their Restroom and Trashing the Sidewalks with Litter and Human Excrement.

You won’t need to worry about any DUI checkpoints though – becasue the Fat Tustin Cops and other City Employees that aren’t working on Overtime and Pension Spiking – will be Drinking – and they don’t want to have to Arrest themselves or otherwise get caught.

“Fullerton city manager Joe Felz – smelled of booze – lost control of his car – taking a sidewalk – crashing into a small tree – before skidding back on the street”

The only ones who benefit from this event are City of Tustin Employees who are getting paid and on overtime – and spiking their pensions – for doing everything involved in this fiasco – set-up – traffic control – policing – clean-up and tear down when it’s all over.

Taxpayers are the Biggest Losers on this Deal.

If you own a business on the route “Close” and take the day off – if you’re planning on attending – Don’t.

Der Wienerschnitzel always has the best Chili in Town and they’re Open Every Day. –

 From Yelp

“I have been to this event a few times over the last 10-15 years, most recently being on Sunday June 7, 2015.

I am all about street fairs, day drinking, and eating good food. We got there at about 11am and lucked out with parking in the center nearby for free. Walked in, and had friends that were at Black Marlin, so I went to locate them…that place was packed. And it became a hangout later in the day as well. Just go there and ignore the dumb cook-off.

Got in line for tickets…WHAT A HASSLE!!! They are cash only, which is not posted. So, I got to wait in that line twice. The differentiate between the beer tickets and the chili tickets, so you have to plan in advance an decide how you want to divvy your tickets up. Which ends up with exactly what they want…you buy tickets that you end up not using. And then there’s places that serve food with more substance, that don’t take tickets, only cash. WTF. SO DAMN ANNOYING.

I had 2 thimbles of chili. And it was not exciting. Tons of places were OUT OF CHILI at 12pm? Is that not the whole goddam point of this event? And, the beer table was out of service too, so I wandered around looking for another one most of the time, whilst having beer and chili spilled on me from people who managed to get chili before it ran out, and beer before the tap malfunction.

I tried to sell my tickets to people in line before I left so I could recoup some of my money. People thought I was trying to run some sort of scam. LOL. I just wanted to Get the Fuck Out of Tustin!!! and get back some of the $40 I wasted on tickets.

I left after 2 hours, and I wanted to leave after 30 minutes. I wasted my money. It was not fun.

In the past it was not such a cluster-fuck.

I only went because I was in town to visit my sister and it happened to coincide with a friends birthday and she was planning to be at the Chili Cook Off, so I went. It is not at all worth the drive from San Diego. I don’t think it was worth the drive from Costa Mesa, to be honest.

I will not be attending ever again.”


“There were a lot of police walking the fair” –  [Editors Note] – Police on Overtime Pay and Pension Spiking (Caution Taxpayer Cluster-Fuck Here) – Dave

“The vast majority of the offerings were simply based on #10 cans of Hormel, Stag, or U.S. Foods chili with some minimal additives presumably there to “customize” the recipe”

“What a cluster-fuck”

“Alcohol wristbands $2”

“But WTF, NONE of the chili’s I tried were that great.  In fact, some of them were just bad.  Very disappointing! ”

“And, the most disturbing part was that somewhere, someone or some booth was handing children balloons with a large JESUS LOVES YOU screen printed on them.”

If the Chapel is Free – How Do they Pay Their Bills – “There is no deeper of a snake pit of false doctrine than the Praise the Lord show on TBN and Jentzen Franklin will be promoting it”

Editorial –

The God Business has Always Fascinated Me – Because the Purveyors of All that is Holy – and Who Claim to have Special Connections and Privileges –   “Don’t Like Competition”.

The “Faithful” as Evidenced by this Person’s Blog I Stumbled Onto from a Google Search – Also Have No Shortage of Opinion on this Subject.

I’ve Been Driving By the “Free Chapel” in Irvine on Jamboree road for Years Now and have been – well – Curious About All of this.

If They Ever Go Out of Business – I Will Try and Lease the Building – put a Replica Flying Saucer on Top of the Roof – and Name it – “The First Church of the Returning Extraterrestrial” – Blue LED Lighting and All.

Remember as I Always Like to Say – “Bank Robbers Don’t Call the Police on Other Bank Robbers “.

Amen! –

Jentezen Franklin, and his false teachings on fasting.

There are many churches today participating in the current fad known as The Daniel Fast. This is a man-made so-called spiritual activity that is supposed to automatically draw you closer to God by eating things that are on a list and not eating things that are not on a list.

If you partake of this fast, other benefits mentioned on The Daniel Fast website are winning the battle over the flesh (hard to do when we are still flesh when the fast is done), losing weight and healings from diabetes, allergies, arthritis and cancer. Another benefit is said to be putting our spirit in charge of the other two parts of us, the soul and the body. It must be news to the Holy Spirit that we can put Him in charge of things. (source). Here is what others have experienced by fasting along with Jentezen Franklin: healed relationships, spiritual growth, physical healings, financial breakthroughs, and other blessings. Wow.

“If that is the case, you have to wonder what blessings aren’t being released, Franklin writes, what answers to prayer are not getting through…what bondages are not being broken…because we fail to fast.” The Word-Faith crowd always makes a point to say that we will lose out on something if we don’t do it their way. This is an example. Fasting is a voluntary activity we engage in at the prompting of the Spirit or when we feel we need to humble ourselves in grief or repentance, or to focus on Jesus in a more pointed way. More on fasting in previous post.

Jentezen Franklin is the guru of fasting. He has written two books on it and is the one who championed The Daniel Fast. His statements about why we fast include fasting to get a blessing, to earn God’s favor, to get a public reward, to get our greatest breakthrough, to “release” a hundredfold return. (source).

So the lesson from The Daniel Fast and Jentezen Franklin is that we fast to get something. I do not believe we fast to get something, and I do not believe we should expect something and I do not believe we have the power to cause God to do something if we fast. More on what fasting is all about in the previous post.

Secondly, if we fast, Franklin says, it causes God to “release” these things into our lives. My understanding is that fasting is a private expression of a deeply felt spiritual need and a way to humble myself before Almighty God.

All this elevates fasting to an importance the bible does not give it nor did Jesus give it. So who is this Jentezen Franklin?

Franklin is pastor of a Holiness church in GA but he is also pastor of a Holiness church in CA. How does he do it? This article from Charisma Magazine explains:

“Every Sunday, Franklin arrives at Free Chapel in Gainesville (GA) by 5 a.m. for prayer, preaches two sermons and shakes hundreds of hands before boarding a private jet at 2 p.m. with his family and two staff members. They arrive at John Wayne Airport, located five minutes from Free Chapel Orange County (OC), and by 6 p.m. Franklin is in the pulpit. The next day is filled with Orange County staff meetings, and the group returns to Gainesville on Tuesday. “This may sound like a crazy schedule, but it is actually exhilarating,” Franklin says. … “My family comes first, and what shows me that this is of God is the way they can be with me more now than ever,” Franklin says. “The school systems have actually worked it out that my children can be off the two days so they can be with me.”

Is this a biblical model of pastoring? Pastor means shepherd. How can he shepherd his flock if he has one pasture in Judah and one in Persia? He can’t. It is not a biblical model of shepherding. As for his family, is taking his children out of school for two days a week the best, most stable life for them? Is his ambition so great he plunks his children in the middle of his “crazy schedule” so he can enjoy the ‘exhilaration’? And a private jet??? He had a choice to stay in GA. He chose the jet set lifestyle. Is this the proper Christian pastoring and fathering model we want to buy into? It isn’t for me, and I refuse to spend money buying his book.

His friends tell us a lot about who Franklin is. This weekend he is preaching from the pulpit of false preacher Joel Osteen’s stage at Lakewood Church! (source here and here). There is no worse false church in America than Lakewood. There is no worse false preacher than Osteen! Osteen denies the Gospel in favor of becoming a motivational guru to have “your best life now”. The only way you’re having your best life now is if you’re going to hell. (that was John MacArthur’s wit). This Jentezen Franklin will be preaching from Osteen’s stage for two days. That should tell us a lot.


If that is not enough, after this weekend Franklin will be hosting the “Praise the Lord” show with Jan and Paul Crouch on TBN. There is no deeper of a snake pit of false doctrine than Praise the Lord show on TBN and Franklin will be promoting it. (source)

Franklin should be excised from any bible-believing church on these bases ALONE.

But wait, there’s more.

As for his teachings, they are false doctrine too. He said in one sermon as he appealed for money, lots of it for over ten minutes, over sentimental music blared from loudspeakers, “I’ve never come to Hillsong Conference where I haven’t sown at least a $1000 seed…”

Yet the bible says, “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.” Mt 6:2

and Franklin goes on, “$1000 seed…into this place, because if I sow now, the rain of now will fall on my life.” NAME IT CLAIM IT! Tithe big, you get big. And what is “the rain of now” for heaven’s sakes? His hands were fluttering down as rain, and the audience looked up as if expecting manna or Armani suits or money to fall from the sky right then.

He is a Word-Faith preacher and we know those are false. The Word-Faith crowd is big on “if you do this, you get this.” “If you do this it will cause God to move.” They talk about ‘releasing’ power into your life, but in fact the only thing we have the power to release is a fart after dinner. He elevates to us more power than we have and diminishes Jesus in the process.

“It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of ministry,” he says. “It’s dangerous to have a growing ministry and a shrinking passion for God; something gets out of whack. When I find myself becoming mechanical in my preaching, even a one-day fast fine-tunes me and makes my heart sensitive. For me, fasting is the key.”

Fasting is not Jiffy Lube. It is the Word fine-tunes you. Sigh.

But most telling, is the following:

He said, “When I feel myself growing dry spiritually, when I don’t sense that cutting-edge anointing, or when I need a fresh encounter with God, fasting is the secret key that unlocks heaven’s door and slams shut the gates of hell. The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor, and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian.”

Don’t gloss over this.

It is the most abhorrent statement imaginable. It is sacrilege. Jesus has the key to heaven and hell. Nothing we do unlocks it. How sacrilegious to say that any activity we do unlocks heaven or shuts hell. This is wrong! On just that statement, he should be booted from every bible-believing pulpit, our churches, and our bookshelves!

And why is fasting characterized as a “secret”? It is not, at least not to anyone who reads the bible. And what is a ‘cutting edge anointing’? Is it different from a regular anointing? Franklin distinguished the “normal seed” from the “precious seed” in one ‘name it claim it’ sermon I’d listened to. I guess I am missing out on the “cutting edge” anointing and I just have to settle for the regular anointing we get when we’re saved. (1 John 2:20).

See, that is the dangerous heresy in Word-Faith preachers like Franklin, they subtly elevate themselves and their teachings above what the bible says, making everything else seem humdrum by comparison by using sexy words like cutting edge, fine-tune, heart sensitive, breakthroughs, hundredfold return, precious seeds…. it is all very exciting in Franklin’s world, exhilarating, even. By comparison, the staid old faith, prayer, service, obedience seems dry as yesterday’s toast.

The Word-Faith doctrine “puts confidence in the nature of faith rather then in the object of faith. It assumes that there’s something inherent in believing that enacts [or “releases”] something when it isn’t true at all. It is not the nature of faith that is effective, it is the object of faith. It is my faith in God that gets results not my faith in my faith.” (source: A biblical answer to the prosperity Gospel)

Franklin Jentezen is a jet setting, TBN hosting, Osteen partnering Word-Faith prosperity preacher who has no business being in any biblical church. He is a wolf. Avoid Jentezen Franklin and The Daniel Fast. Rely on the Holy Spirit to direct your steps. Pray, fast when the Spirit prompts you, read your bible so you will have the discernment to spot a false teaching when you come across one. Go have a good lunch, and don’t forget to thank the Lord for it!


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